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Flavours of youth Sinhala Dubbed [ බලාපොරොත්තුව​ ]

Release date: August 4, 2018 (China) Directors: Yoshitaka Takeuchi, Haoling Li, Jiaoshou Yi Xiaoxing Languages: Japanese, Cantonese, Mandarin Producer
Estimated read time: 1 min


2018 ‧ Romance/Drama ‧ 1h 15m

Flavours of youth

Release date: August 4, 2018 (China)
Directors: Yoshitaka Takeuchi, Haoling Li, Jiaoshou Yi Xiaoxing
Languages: Japanese, Cantonese, Mandarin
Producer: Noritaka Kawaguchi
Music composed by: Rei ISHIZUKA
Box office: 2.8 million CNY (China)


Trailer | HD


Flavors of Youth (Japanese詩季織々romanizedshikioriori, lit. "From Season to Season"; Chinese肆式青春pinyinsì shì qīng chūnCantonese Jyutpingsei³ sik¹ cing¹ ceon¹Shanghainese Wugniusy⁵ seq⁷ tshen¹ chin¹, lit. "Necessities of Life in Youth") is a 2018 anime/donghua anthology drama film directed by Li Haoling, Jiaoshou Yi Xiaoxing and Yoshitaka Takeuchi and produced by Noritaka Kawaguchi. A Japanese-Chinese co-production between CoMix Wave Films and Haoliners Animation League, it was released in Japan and in China on August 4, 2018, and globally on the same day by StudioCanal and Netflix.

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