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Monster Family 2 - රාක්ශ පවුල​ Sinhala Dubbed

In MONSTER FAMILY 2 sinhala dubbed , part-time werewolf Max and his family try to save some mythical creatures from a mysterious girl who i...
Estimated read time: 3 min


Monster Family 2

Release date: October 22, 2021 (UK)
Director: Holger Tappe
Box office: 5.9 million USD
Budget: 40 million USD
Distributed by: Warner Bros. Pictures (Germany), Sky Group (United Kingdom)
Based on: Happy Family; by David Safier

Trailer | HD


In MONSTER FAMILY 2, part-time werewolf Max (voiced by Ethan Rouse) and his family try to save some mythical creatures from a mysterious girl who is under orders from her seemingly perfect parents.

As a Halloween movie, this animated family comedy is frightfully bad. While kids' monster movie series Hotel Transylvania reveled in having a legacy of mythical creatures to play with, Monster Family 2 does nothing with its cast of characters. The messy, convoluted plot would make just as much sense without a family made up of a wolfboy, a vampire, a mummy, and Frankenstein's monster. By the time they're in the space dome and a clone is trying to kill a young girl by ripping off her jetpack, it's clear how little importance the monster aspect has. All this would be fine were the movie not such hard work. It's a hollow experience, despite it ticking the right boxes with attempts at positive messages and a happy ending. The snarky but entirely laugh-free script is performed adequately by its star-studded cast (bar Nick Frost, whose monster only says "ooftah" for almost the entire movie). While the lifeless spirit that haunts each frame is apt for a movie with so many members of the undead. Thanks to its by-numbers animation and soulless approach, Monster Family 2 is unappealing, boring, and with less peril than an episode of Paw Patrol.

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